Enjoy the little things, it's actually my motto. A lot of people are engaged in a career, saving money, with a house, or whatever “big “things. But how nice is it to be satisfied with what you have? Not to be busy with tomorrow, next week or next year, but to enjoy the here and the now? So forget about what you were doing and think about the little things that every person can enjoy. Because they are absolutely free.

Things to enjoy

1. That moment when you walk out and you can take a fresh breath.
2. Cooing a pigeon that announces the summer again.
3. A little robins hipping away from your feet.
4. The murmur of the sea (the rippling of the waves on the river is also allowed).
5. The sun that breaks through for a moment on a dark day, or rather, the sun that shines all day.
6. A kitten skillfully clambering a tree.
7. A toddler or preschooler who pays much more attention to the details during a walk than we adults.

Conscious life

Perhaps you can see now that it is not so difficult to enjoy the little things. We can complain about the coronacrisis and the limitations that it entails, but sometimes we do not realize enough what we all do have. A person who is chronically ill may not be able to get out of bed for many years. Are we going to be so bad if we can't go to the Action for a month? Becoming aware of everything you have is a nice step in the right direction. Enjoy the little things, they're much bigger than you think.

My good intention? Also today enjoy all the little things again, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and every day that follows...

PS. It's my first post here, so I don't know if I followed all the 'rules', because the site is still a maze for me now.

Enjoy the little things