During my mini-holiday, the sharpie markers called me regularly.
This time I wanted to put some deepening into my work, so I watched some YouTube videos.
Or better, I watched pieces of those videos, because I still don't have much patience...

And that worked, because I came up with the idea of drawing the first lines with my left hand.
My right hand is dominant, so I automatically had less control.
I was busy, I thought, and that was reflected in the lines... what a bustle!

But, just like with encaustic, I thought: just keep going, it's gonna be something, or not...
I've worked with some circles, with the intention of creating a Christmas neurographic.
I'd print it out and send it as a Christmas card.

I always work vertically when I draw the lines, like in the first picture, and I do that intuitively.
When I go color in I work horizontally.
I dyed away nicely, and I went very fast.

While coloring, I didn't notice anything, I picked out colors that I liked, and used them.
And then I looked from a distance...
Do you see what I see?

#faceseverywhere #neurographicart #scrat #ontspannen #kleuren