#payperpostchallenge My little princess, for a long time I thought my body was not act to conceive another human being and at least I expected it to get pregnant with my precious snow white she came to teach me many things, to fight big to defend her not to give up and work for her dreams.
My little girl has managed to overcome many things has gone against all forecasts and has moved on, she has been like snow white since her birth, she is a warrior.
She was born with dancer's foot but we strive and after treatments with plaster on her leg and painful massages and two long and painful operations I manage to overcome that problem and today she has her straight foot, she can walk without any problems.
They had to make corrections to the achilles tendon of his foot as it was contracted and prevented his foot from stretching to the ground.
In Zulia there is a clinic, the San Rafael Clinic that specializes in treating all these malformations and other conditions on the legs of children.
Going to the immediacy to deal with these problems is vital.

My Snow White
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