by Aaron August

Stories are written all around us. From the leaves that float on the wind to the graffiti on the city streets. The world is a canvas on which nature paints its story and humanity has followed suit. The story of humanity is carved in time and the future is shapeless clay waiting to take shape.

I fell in love with storytelling at a young age. For me, storytelling was both a way to express myself and to explore the world around me. It became the wind under my wings that gave me the freedom to fly. I set my eyes on distant shores and from my nest my imagination flew.

I decided to write my first book when I was seven. I was at home playing on an old computer when I decided to begin typing a story. It was probably the greatest story ever written. It was complete with grammar errors, spelling errors, and a nonexistent plot. When I was done I added pictures because no story is complete without pictures. I finished by adding a title that practically summarized the entire book. Now, I don't remember exactly what it was about but I know that it involved my brother riding into a western town on a horse. Honestly, I have no clue what made me write that but I believe that is where my interest in writing began.

My next attempt at writing was a novel that I decided to hand write in third grade. I never finished that novel (I think I only made it to chapter 3) but at least this one had a plot. It was about a boy who found a stray border collie and decided to take care of it. I remember that I really enjoyed writing it and looked forward to it each day. After I finished writing a chapter I would force my parents to listen to me read it. This was partly because I wanted to hear my parent's opinion on my writing but mostly because I wanted them to get me a border collie.

As I've grown I have learned a lot more about what it means to tell a story. I have tried many different types of mediums including animation, game design, painting, woodcarving, music, and more. I have found something I loved in each of them but writing will always be my favorite. I think the biggest difference between then and now is that I take my writing more seriously. While I still make a lot of mistakes I think I have improved a lot. Ultimately my goal is to become a published author. Hopefully, my dream is not too far off.

What is your story? #TellYourStory


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My Story as a Writer