1. Mr. H.M. De Jonge (Hugo) Minister of VWS
  2. Mr. J. Bridge (Hans) Director General RIVM
  3. Mr. J.T. van Dissel (Jaap) Director CIB RIVM
  4. Mrs. M.C.J.M. (Miriam) Sturkenboom Associate Professor UMX Utrecht/ member of the WHO Global Advisory Committee for Vaccine Safety


#Vaccins are proven safe, yet? You may be surprised to discover how this conviction is not based on evidence.

A few days ago, The Washington Post published an opinion piece by a medical ethicist who believes that all doctors who care about vaccines should lose their permits. Last week it was parents who did not vaccinate their children, who should be imprisoned or prosecuted. There are case reports in which non-vaccination has been used as evidence of neglect for Child Protecting Services (CPS) to remove children and terminate parental rights.

Whatever you think about vaccination, think carefully before you endorse the idea that the government should be able to impose a profitable but invasive medical procedure without profitable consent. This is a very dangerous precedent to set and one that you may not be happy with when vaccines are required for adults to protect our “herd immunity”. It's not about measles. It's about your freedom to choose what goes in your body and the body of your child.

Although we keep hearing from the media and the medical community that vaccines are undoubtedly safe, the Supreme Court did not consider them unsafe until 2011.. Pharmaceutical companies are acquitted by the government of liability, and pediatricians can also not be prosecuted for vaccination damage.
Rather, there is a special vaccination court that compensates the few patients who can prove their injury without any doubt. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $3 billion so far.

We keep hearing the overwhelming evidence that vaccines, especially the MMR, are safe. Anyone who questions this will be ridiculed. Concerned parents are stupid and worried doctors do not understand science. Well, here's the science, from the most recent Cochrane Review of the whole literature on this topic. Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews and meta-analyses that interpret the research and are widely recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based healthcare.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 15 February; 2: CD004407. Doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd004407.pub3.

Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children.

Demicheli V1, Rivetti A, Debalini MG, Di Pietrantonj C.

Partially abstract


Mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) are serious diseases that can lead to potentially fatal illness, disability and death. However, the public debate on the safety of the trivalent MMR vaccine and the resulting reduction in vaccination coverage in several countries continues to exist, despite its almost universal use and accepted effectiveness.


To assess the effectiveness and side effects of the MMR vaccine in children up to 15 years.


For this update, we searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 2), including the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group's Specialized Register, PubMed (July 2004 to May Week 2, 2011) and Embase. com (July 2004 to May 2011).


The design and reporting of safety results in MMR vaccine vaccines, both before and after marketing, are largely inadequate. Evidence of adverse reactions following immunisation with the MMR vaccine cannot be separated from its role in preventing the target diseases.

The entire paper is behind a pay wall, but I read it in its entirety. The authors screened about 5000 articles, found 139 possible for inclusion, and ended with 31 articles that met their criteria. They rated 26 out of 31 with a high or moderate risk of bias, mostly selection bias. They concluded that there were no data to support efficacy: “We were disappointed with our inability to identify efficacy studies with population or clinical results. However, given the existence of documented elimination of targeted diseases in large populations through mass immunisation campaigns, we have no reason to doubt the effectiveness of MMR.” So we believe it, because we've seen it all happen, not because there is a study shows that it is true.

They argue that there is no evidence of a link between MMR and autism, but the only included study that could possibly answer the question, comparing vaccinated children with unvaccinated children, is Madsen 2002. One of the co-authors of that article is Poul Thorsen, on the OIGs (Office of Inspector General) most wanted list for fraud. Thorsen co-author 22 articles on autism and 5 articles on vaccine safety that still exist and which are widely referred to by other authors. Even if you do not suffer from a paper co-written by Thorsen, their comment on the Madsen study concludes: “The follow-up of diagnostic data ends a year (December 31, 1999) after the last day of admission to the cohort. Because of the duration from birth to diagnosis, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that those born later into the cohort can get a diagnosis.” They noted the general lack of studies with unvaccinated controls.

DesteFano 2004 is also included. One of the authors of that article reportedly received official whistleblowing status and immunity and claimed that the authors had manipulated data to vaccinate a link between the vaccine and autism in African-American men who were before the age of 36 months vaccinated. Those authors are jointly responsible for much of the 'indisputable' science we hear so much about. From a few months ago: The Fox Guarding The Henhouse. Here's a compilation of abstracts, 86 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/ Autism Link, but the media keep telling us there is no evidence that vaccines can cause autism. Why has there never been a well-designed study comparing vaccinated children with unvaccinated children?

Rumor has it that Amish children don't get autism. Why does the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) not do everything to find out if that's true, and if so, why? The NIH (National Institute of Health) has just canceled the National Children's Study after wasting more than 1.2 billion dollars. Vaccines have not been a cause for me. My interest grew from the realization that vaccines grown in mouse and bird cells contain infectious retroviruses of animals that could not pass the species barrier, but the evidence that they can't do that is rather meager. Here are blogs I wrote about vaccines and biological drugs in early 2011, when I considered the risks of weakening viruses in animal cells and realizing the temporary relationship between the first yellow fever vaccine in 1932 and the first ME/CVS cluster ( Myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome) in 1934, as well as the first cases of autism described by Leo Kanner in 1935. Uncovering the cover-up: scientific analysis of the vaccine autism compound, very flawed American vaccine policy. Cover-up and infection theories Vaccinations and Frankencells Science fiction or fact? This led to thinking about how vaccines are made, what exactly is contained in them, the evidence of safety/efficacy and their potential impact on different immune profiles. The furthest thing I've ever been as a doctor is to say that I do not think that ME/CVS patients or their offspring should be vaccinated. I don't think I've ever explicitly said in public that autistic children should not be vaccinated, but I will do it now, because I don't think it's a good idea, even if you don't believe vaccines can cause autism. Patients with neuroimmune diseases are in a state of persistent immune activation that should be reduced with anti-inflammatory strategies. Vaccines deliberately do the opposite. In addition, they are less likely to be effective in the presence of an already existing inflammatory state.

The argument goes that thimerosal was removed from vaccines 10 years ago (except for the multi-dose flu shot), but the rate of autism has continued to rise, so vaccines are safe. This is scientific skill, not science. It's the kind of argument that our so-called experts often use to brainwash people to conclude that vaccines are all safe and an unlimited number of vaccines can be given impunity. We ruled out one thing, so it's all good.

Data by country show a strong correlation between more vaccines before the age of 1 year and higher infant mortality. The US is 34th in the world and gives the most vaccinations: The mortality rate among infants has decreased compared to the number of vaccinations routinely given: is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? The vaccination schedule for children in the US requires 26 vaccine doses for infants under 1 year old, most in the world, but 33 countries have better infant Mortality Rate (IMRs). Using linear regression, the immunisation schedules of these 34 countries were investigated and a correlation coefficient of 0.70 (p <0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants. When countries were grouped into five different dose ranges for vaccines (12-14, 15-17, 18-20, 21-23 and 24-26), 98.3% of the total variance in IMR was explained by the unweighted linear regression model. These findings show a counterintuitive relationship: countries that need more vaccine doses usually have a higher infant mortality rate. Something is not discussed here in the measles/vaccines debate. Review the current table of excipients for vaccines: Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary. Note how many contain aluminum, a known neurotoxin, involved in ASIA (autoimmune syndrome caused by adjuvants). Here is a PubMed search that invokes 75 articles since 2008, specifically on this topic. There are a few hundred about aluminum and neurotoxicity. Here are two articles on ASIA and CVS/ fibromyalgia, one suggesting a connection with autism and a recent review article on aluminium adjuvant biopsisistance and delayed neurotoxicity: Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia following immunisation with the hepatitis B vaccine: a Another angle of “autoimmune (autoinflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants” (ASIA). The general immunogenic etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome: from infections to vaccines via excipients to ASIA syndrome. Aluminium vaccine adjuvants contribute to the increasing prevalence of autism Bioperresistance and brain translocation of aluminium vaccines

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) says that the amount of aluminum in vaccines is GRAS (generally recognized as safe). The argument is that since children are exposed to aluminum in the environment anyway, it is safe to give them a little more in their vaccines. Then there are MSG (E621), formaldehyde, animal and human cells, adventive viruses, the list goes on, each in itself deserves all its concern. The GRAS designation should be a completely different blog... From the CDC website: “In the decade before 1963, when a vaccine became available, almost all children received measles by the time they were 15 years old. It is estimated that 3 to 4 million people were infected every year in the United States. An estimated 400 to 500 people died each year, 48,000 were hospitalized and 4,000 suffered from encephalitis (swelling of the brain) due to measles.” That's about a 0.1% risk of encephalitis and there is a lot of literature that shows that a high dose of vitamin A at the onset of the disease that significantly reduces risk. The most recent figures show that the current risk of autism, also known as encephalitis/encephalopathy, is 20 times higher, in some places higher. We are faced with an epidemic of allergic, neuroimmune and autoimmune diseases. The prevalence of chronic diseases in our children is more than 50% (2011). 16% has a developmental disorder (2008). 11% has ADHD (2011). 2% has autism (2013). It's an emergency. Measles is not. I'm not saying vaccines are the only cause of this disaster, but there are many reasons to think that they contribute. Instead of imposing more vaccines, we should try to understand which children are at risk: personalized vaccines: the emerging field of vaccines. Worrying about vaccines is not the same as ignoring the dangers of infectious diseases. The untrust of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the pharmaceutical companies is not anti-scientific, but sensible, because they have earned our distrust in spades.. They've lied so many times and got it wrong. Why do you believe them now? Pharmaceutical companies regularly pay $1 billion settlements for fraudulent convictions. Merck is currently involved in lawsuits brought by whistleblowers: Massive Fraud In Merck MMR Vaccine Testing. The incestuous relationship between the CDC and the vaccine manufacturers is embodied by Julie Gerberding, former director of the CDC, now head of vaccine safety at Merck.

There are a few blatant examples that show how little the vaccine program worries about children's health.

1. Giving newborns without risk of infection a hepatitis B injection is insane. The series is often elaborated by the time the child is at risk. Here is an article showing evidence of a relationship between hepatitis B series and autism: Hepatitis B vaccination of male newborns and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. Findings suggest that American male neonates vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine (from vaccination record) prior to 1999 had a triple higher risk of parental reports of autism diagnosis compared to boys who were not neonates during the same period vaccinated. Non-white boys were at greater risk.

2. Chickenpox was a benign disease when she was contracted as a child. This vaccine is another example of setting people for decreasing immunity when they are older. Previously, shingles were prevented by being infected children, but now a zoster vaccine is needed for older adults to control the virus, even if they had the natural infection. The weakened virus, like the wild type, can cause shingles. The incidence of shingles has increased since the introduction of the vaccine in children and adults, although there are data indicating that this trend was already in force due to decreased immune competence in the general population before the introduction of the vaccine. Reduced varicella and increased incidence of herpes zoster in a setting of increasing varicella vaccine coverage in Victoria, Australia, 1998-2012. Here is a paper stating that the Varicella vaccination program is a failure. Review of the Universal Vaccination Program for Varicella in the United States: Herpes zoster incidence rates, cost-effectiveness and vaccine effectiveness based primarily on the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project data. The safety data for Varicella vaccine are even thinner than for the MMR and the excipients are particularly harmful. If we want to reduce the number of vaccines we give to our children, this might be a good start. Every vaccinated adult needs lifelong boosters, but if we return the wild-type disease in children, we can also lose the need for the zoster vaccine.

3. Your government wants you to get a flu shot, even though she admits this year's recording isn't working.. The current CDC recommendation is: “Everyone 6 months and older should receive a flu vaccine every season.” Pregnant women, sick people, regardless of the patient's health status. Only people who are allergic to the admission or any of its components should not get. Even this year, everyone should get it, because gosh, so much money has been spent making all those millions of shots and who knows they might be helping a little. And they are completely safe, except that they can cause wheezing, Guillain Barré syndrome and have not been studied in immunocompromised individuals. There are several choices for the flu shot, but here is an example of the safety data. The leaflet of FluMist: “Data on safety and spread of vaccine virus following administration of FluMist in immunocompromised subjects are limited to 173 persons with HIV infection and 10 mild to moderately immunocompromised children and adolescents with cancer.” 10 immunocompromised children. How many doses did not get into the nose of children with pre-existing ailments? And then there's the following: live attenuated flu vaccine improves colonisation of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus in mice. The people who make these decisions don't care about your children. They lie to you about the quality or even the existence of safety data. I'm the last one to say whether or not to vaccinate is a simple question. I postponed vaccinating my children until they were 3 months old and I gave them hepatitis B injections only later. They had the chickenpox at 5 years and 6 months old, so my son may not be immune. I had them get hepatitis B injections at school when my daughter was 9 and my son was 4. He got very sick after the first dose, missed 2 months of school and I never got him vaccinated again. He lived in a dormitory at the university for 2 years, and not a day passed that I did not worry about the decision to refrain from the meningococcal vaccine. He's doing a semester research in Okinawa now and I'm worried about Japanese encephalitis, for which a vaccine exists. But he has a mother and a sister with ME/cvs, a dad with POTS. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other things in its risk profile that worries me with regard to vaccines. Without a crystal ball, you never know what's safest to do. If you guess wrong, it's 100% anyway.

Source: National Vaccination Information Centre
Proposed lecture: Vaccine epidemic by Luis Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland
Solving Illusions by Susanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
Plague of Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits The Big Autism Cover Up by Anne Dachel

Recommended documentaries:

1 The Vaccine Safety Myth