This morning the GP called for a double appointment, but due to corona the GP called me back later to see if it was possible by phone or if I had to come by.

2 weeks ago I got a syringe in my right shoulder, because I have a bursa inflammation. The spiet does something, because I can lie back normally at night, but it is absolutely not over and I felt some rumble on the left. It's not very extreme yet, but it's annoying. We are now going to try it with 3x daily 50 mg of diclofenac for 14 days. Of course in combination with a stomach protector. Now I am not a supporter of diclofenac, but putting a syringe in it again does not seem to be of much use at the moment either.

I also discussed with her the bulge (s) on the inside just below my knee (s) with her. Last week, the lymphatic drainage therapy hurt, and my physiotherapist also said the structure felt different than any other time. It doesn't get thinner, but it's not really thicker and I'm actually in need of new compression stockings, so what is wisdom?

Now the assistant had called a few weeks ago with the rash of the ultrasound that it was nothing serious to see and that there was only a swelling. However, my general practitioner said that there is very local extra subcutaneous adipose tissue and that Lipoedema is. That this is not lymphedema I suspect, because it feels very different. Fortunately, the treatment of lipoedema and lymphedema is the same, so we continue with once a week lymphatic drainage therapy and my physiotherapist has pasted Curetape which I can now replace every 3 to 4 days.

It's a pity the assistant didn't tell me exactly what it is. Always, but especially in this corona time, I want to know all the more where I stand. Fun is never getting anything, but it's okay now that I know what it is. I could give it a spot, maybe with some modifications without some kind of damocles hanging over my head.


10 trip card GP and Lipoedeem