#poetry Love is the most beautiful thing in this world.

Love is the golden chord that binds one with this otherwise ruthless world.

Without love, life is simply meaningless.

Just observe keenly the activities performed by an individual.
You will be surprised to find that all the human activities are conducted to achieve only one objective --love.

A person strives to become famous, skillful or wealthy because of the subconscious desire to receive love, affection and attention from his fellow beings, family members.

For a lover, however, it is really an uphill task to declare his love to his beloved.
Words just elude!

I have dedicated this short composition of mine to the silent lovers who fail to convey their intimate feelings to their beloveds :

The effects of sobs and sighs are apparent.
The effects of sobs and sighs are different.
While she is relishing a blissful sleep.
The heartache here refuses to cease.

The one who has taken my heart away.
No need to search for her anyway.
The one who has stolen my heart with dexterity.
Is already imprisoned in my eyes for eternity.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~

A Poem For Silent Lovers