
A creative idea to create a cozy heat source in dark days is this terra cotta tea light holder.

Admittedly, when I first heard about it, I also thought. YES, IT WILL. But because I loved it so much, I put it together anyway (which, by the way, isn't that difficult at all). So my surprise was no small thing when I noticed that it actually worked.
It won't heat up your entire space. But I now have 2 in my living space, one on the coffee table and one on the dining table, and it does make a difference. In the winter, when it's really cold, you'll undoubtedly need to warm up. but on days like today, it breaks the cold enough not to have to turn on heating.

However, due to the air circulation between the 2 pots and the holes at the bottom (which are now at the top because the pots are rotated), heat is radiated.

Well, very easy. You get 2 flower pots, one large and one small, a bowl and 3 cubes. Glue the cubes to the shell with special glue (see photo). Then you place the smallest pot on the cubes and glue it on as well. You put the larger pot over it and you can also glue it on, but I'll leave it loose on it. Personally, I find this easier to change the tea lights. You can also paint the flower pot, but then you need quite special paint, because they will get really warm though.

The set like the one below in the picture cost me 960 euros. The materials were purchased in Aveve (Belgium). You have tea lights in the Action for 4 euros (a bag of 75 candles that burn for 6 hours).

It's not a miracle solution, but all the little ones help. Furthermore, it looks nice and cozy. Finally, this is also a nice tip to make yourself as a gift for someone. so you are original, creative and save an expensive gift.

The witch of tales,

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