What can we talk about Dross that not many people already know?

Angel David Revilla or better known on the net as Dross, is a Venezuelan who owes his fame to his interesting personality and career on the YouTube platform, being one of the veterans to upload videos to that platform, long before it was what he is today.

The content of Dross has changed through time, evolving and maturing with his audience (including me) his career beginning in 2007, and his evolution until 2013.

Taking a total turn, Dross has in recent years released several books including my favorites.

Pluto's Moon and Valley of Calm, I have purchased these books by license on a digital book website at a price neither that high nor so low.

My experience with these books has been totally pleasant since they are totally different genres, while Luna de pluto tells us about the adventures of a girl, in a world of fantasy and science fiction.

Valley of Calm tells us about horrors and fear, this literary genre is Dross's favorite, giving air to the masters Love craft and Stephen King's, reading them is falling in love with his books.
