The SP rejects the basic income square, although 50% of SP voters embrace this idea. The SP - as the only one - is betting on 40% higher minimum wage. That helps 2.2 million people at the bottom. And that makes the poverty trap even worse.

PvdA members have sharply rejected basic income this week, although 50% of the PvdA voters embrace basic income. Only 25% voted in favour. The PvdA goes for base jobs. Probably like the last time 100,000 baselets. A very limited group.

GroenLinks embraces the ideals of basic income in the programme, but it only goes for more generous assistance in the words of Jesse Klaver. 61% of GreenLeft voters want to introduce basic income (and only 19% are against). GroenLinks makes the poverty trap even bigger for people in and near assistance. The curve between assistance and minimum wage becomes completely flat. GroenLinks also makes family allowances income-dependent.

Left is abandoning the five million people between assistance and modal. She's just up for the one to two million poor. A left-wing policy only for the poor is a miserable policy.

In a week's time, the Green Links will be announced by the CPB (95% of the members had asked for this) Could the programme committee not have been able to wait for that? Hopefully, it will give the members of the Political Left ammunition to come up with sharp amendments.

PS Netherlands has the highest level of assistance in Europe. Higher than Scandinavia. The Netherlands has 50 income support measures. Think of income-dependent allowances, income-dependent labour rebate, tax credits, mortgage interest deductions etc, etc,

That is why 60% of the Netherlands is financially and economically stuck. Yes, so many people are between assistance and modal.

Only basic income gives people dignity, gives the bottom 60 percent financial-economic perspective and everyone more freedom.

Alexander de Roo Chairman Association Basic Income