
This morning while I was doing my breathing exercise on the beach, like every morning. Peaceful to watch big flat water surface, no single wrinkle🌊😍 #peace 

The smell of the salt whispered to me to come closer and look on the edge of the place I was sitting - I remembered my Darling put his fish trap to wait! Suddenly I felt excitement, "I'm gonna pul it over and see what we got for dinner. I do not feel like going to the store anyway!" - I thought to myself while started pooling the rope!

Look what I find....... It's six bix cuttlefish. Remarkable sea creatures. Delicious also. I'm gonna make black risotto and give you the recipe after. :D It's a special kind of risotto where you use the cuttlefish defense mechanism for coking - it's ink! For seafood lovers, that's a paradise of taste! #recipe

I also find a few different big crabs and left them, maybe some octopus is living in the neighborhood. I have my suspects because some "sea monster" attacked other fish who came into a trap but had no problems leaving the trap. Only octopuses are that intelligent, especially big ones, so I decided to put crabs back as bait for her and some bread for the fish, who again will attract some other sea creature.

Sea presented me with dinner, I Thank you, Sea for abundance! #seafood #abundance #whatsfordinner  #childofnature

Senciurosly Yours,
Child of Nature