The white belly cone is a smaller hedgehog that comes from Africa. If they feel threatened, they can set up their spines and roll themselves up to protect themselves.
They can become fairly tame but they always approach calmly because they can settle for that.
In the wild, they can reach about 3 years. In captivity between 3 to 6 years and with a very good care sometimes 10 years.

Hedgehogs are best kept alone because they live by nature alone. In addition, it is important to use a non-dusty surface because the intestines can clog. It is also important to place a heat lamp above the residence and a shelter to hide in.
They're nocturnal animals that means they're active when it's dark.
The stay should be at least 1 square meter preferably larger. A section of stone in the stay is good to wear out the nails.

It's good to pick up the hedgehog from the beginning. A good exercise is to put the hedgehog to sleep with a blanket on your lap, then the animal gets confidence that it is good. You pick up the animal with your bare hands and then you shovel him/her on your hand through the side.

They must have access to unlimited water. They mainly eat insects and occasionally fruit. You can be this 50/50 with dry cat feed on fish basis. The chunks are good to keep the teeth clean. There is hedgehog food but it is important not to give too much of this because they can quickly become fat.
Feeding should be given in 2 times in the evening and the morning in the evening it is useful to give the larger meal because they then become active.

When purchasing, please note that the animal is alert and active when you buy him/her. #egel #info #dieren

African White Belly Cone