If life has not treated you well, because a disease or an accident has taken away your smile, the makeup can go beyond a simple vanity makeup can not always help to heal wounds, but it helps people make life more bearable. The Russian beautician Goar Avetisyan knows this very well. Avetisyan regularly works on making makeovers for women with cancer or severe skin scars. With his work, he not only helps to drastically change a person's appearance, but also ensures that they gain self-confidence and safety.

With images before and after, the make-up artist documents the change process she's going through with her customers on her Instagram account, where she has already reached 4.6 million followers who admire her work. With the help of beautiful eyeliner, concealer, lipsticks and eyeshadow, these women have managed to feel beautiful again. #Unavidanueva

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