In a study of theology, you learned to put God at the center of the Christian faith. For Fredney, that had a lot to do with his own studies, which he had only half completed. He had demolished the second half due to unknown circumstances. What was the consequence he left in the middle. Originally, it was not the way to receive the final completion and make God great. One way to change this situation came on the plane a few days ago. On his way back from the conference in the American city of Miami, he came to the understanding to give a testimony to God. Say forgive your deepest fears and mistakes at the Wailing Wall. From conceiving this inspiration to drawing up on paper, there were at least twelve hours.

After he came home, he wrote it as a kind of will, without filling in any fixed data. In fact, praying had to do with it, he was an intensive prayer who sought out the most quiet moments of the day for a short meditation. The central question is whether it is possible to obtain an exemption in case of interrupting an important study too early. Nor can you deny it with a certain degree of uncertainty. Because he won't get anything in return. Breaking down his studies a week early deserves absolutely no beauty prize. It also goes too far to invent an appropriate punishment, for that the sudden cessation had come too soon. So there was no other choice but to write the A4 to leave it on the table the next few days.

However, praying at the three meals and waking up from bed continued as a mandatory appointment anyway. It's crazy how a figment on the way home leads to a new insight. A place in the sky that makes the brain think differently? We don't know how it actually ended with him, he didn't take the A4, and he had already had the prayer. So we have nothing to deny not to believe him and put him first. For 15 minutes this was his testimony.

An honest testimony