Had a very big epiphany last night. Had a surrealistic dream about my migration. I saw myself flying next to my timeline. My deadline was like a big mountain top with an amazing sun behind the highest point. Looking down from the sky over that mountain, I could see a calm sea with amazing fish of all colors and sizes.

I don't like to interpret anything, but it just gave me this calming sensation that you get when you finish up a tense project and get the due recognition for it. That rush of love and honor for your achievements.

I am a single mom, thus will migrate with all responsibility on my back and my guts and glory in my wallet. Still it does not fill my heart with fear.

Now, do you stay in a comfort zone, just because they don't believe in you or put their anxieties in your way? Have they ever been in your decision or situation to actually know what they are scaring you for?? Just listen, to the beating of your heart, breath, breath, and love yourself and trust, trust yourself.

Do you stay in your current comfort zone, because they don't believe in you or put their anxieties in your way? Will you be afraid by the fear of others, who haven't lived through your path? Just listen to the beating of your heart and breathe. Breathe, love yourself and trust... trust yourself.

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