#autisme Autism It is a disorder that usually begins during the first 3 years of life, with parents being the first to begin to identify different behaviors in their child from children their age. Some of these strange symptoms are: no or very little verbal communication, the child is not very sociable and lonely or does not show interest in identifying objects or attracting the attention of parents.

There are 4 types of Autism which would be the following:

Rett syndrome.
Asperger syndrome.
Childhood disintegrating disorder or Heller syndrome.
Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified.

Next I will give you the definition of each one:

1- Rett syndrome
The differential characteristic of this type of autism is that it occurs almost exclusively in girls and is regressive. Affected people begin to suffer a degenerative and progressive process of the nervous system that manifests itself in the form of alterations in communication, cognition and motor skills (both fine and gross) around 2 years. These girls have normal psychomotor development, at least in appearance, until then. In any case, various studies show that, even in the asymptomatic period, there is a reduction in muscle tone (hypotonia).

2-Asperger syndrome
It is the most difficult type of autism and, sometimes, late to diagnose because affected people do not have any type of intellectual disability or physical trait that identifies it. The deficit is therefore in the field of social skills and behavior, being sufficiently important to seriously compromise their development and social and work integration. Social interaction problems, lack of empathy, poor psychomotor coordination, not understanding ironies or the double meaning of language and obsession with certain topics, are some of the most common characteristics in Asperger's.

3-Disintegrated infantile cramp or Heller syndrome
It usually appears around 2 years of age, although sometimes it is not evident until after 10. It coincides with the other types of autism in affecting the same areas (language, social function and motor skills), but it differs in its regressive and sudden nature , to the point that sometimes the child himself realizes the problem, showing his concern to the parents.

4-Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
It is a diagnostic label that is used in those cases in which the clinical symptoms are too heterogeneous to be included in any of the other types. There are also disorders of social reciprocity, severe communication problems and the existence of peculiar, restricted and stereotyped interests and activities.

Here is the author's page in case you want to read more! : https://www.universidadviu.com/int/actualidad/nuestros-expertos/los-distintos-tipos-de-trastorno-del-espectro-autista-tea

What Is Autism? And Types Of Autism