Autumn is par excellently the season that nature prepares for a process that will eventually result in seed planting for the coming season.

That's why autumn is a great time for you to take an inventory of what is no longer suitable for you or to think about what you might do differently during the coming months.

It's getting dark, colder, and you're likely to spend more time in the house.

What do you want to let go? What has become too heavy or unnecessary in your life?
At some point it becomes clear that you have accumulated way too much baggage. You've dragged it far too long and life feels tough. It's time to (far) redeem.

Like nature, you have to clean up and rid yourself of things you can no longer use.

Autumn is a good time to let go of everything that binds you to your obstructing patterns and beliefs that sabotage your dreams.
Without pruning, there can be no new growth.

Below is a meditation described, just enjoy it.

Meditation Instruction:

You can record the text below with your mobile or read by someone else.

Light a candle, incense or something like that and see which cobwebs need to be cleaned up in your life.

Try this guided meditation to tune, listen and think about where you are in your life.

Find a comfortable chair, sofa, or go to your favourite spot in nature.

Relax in your body by connecting to your breath - breathing slowly through the nose and slowly exhaling through the nose. Notice how your body and mind soften and relax.

Visualize a place in nature during autumn: the red, brown, dark green and yellow hues of the landscape around you, a cool breeze that blows and pay attention to the chestnuts, acorns and beech nuts that are plentiful on the ground.

Now imagine that your body, your breath, your emotions and your mind are an extension of nature. You may see yourself as a high oak tree, the fog rising from a lake at dawn, maybe you just enjoy the sunset on a beautiful late summer day or lying in a canopy bed under the golden glow of a harvest moon.

As you prepare to rest and prepare yourself for sprouting a new you. Dare to dream of:

*the person you would like to be

*the activities you want to do, what will make you happy?

*the environment in which you feel happiest

*the lifestyle you want to have when you wake up from your deep hibernation

Let your imagination run wild and allow yourself to see what you would see, hear what you would hear and feel what you would feel if your dream came true.

Next, pay attention to an area of your life where it feels heavy — a burden or an unnecessary burden. 


Maybe it's physical belongings, like a build-up of furniture, clothes, old trinkets, or stacks of papers.

Maybe your baggage exists within your inner circle: your relationship, career, health, or family. Show yourself where there is excessive accumulation on a physical, emotional, or mental level .

Then reconnect with your dream of what your life might look like, feel, and sound once you get rid of the heavy weight you've worn. What would you do differently? ? What would your relationships look like? How could your energy levels and mental clarity bring you to your goals? Create an internal representation (a visual image, a feeling, or a sound) of how you, your life and your environment may differ from what it is like today.

As you nurture yourself with the picture of what things might be like, ask yourself what qualities you should embrace to be that person.

Do you need more compassion for yourself or others?

Should you learn to listen more carefully without having to solve things or justify your point of view all the time?

Is it perhaps necessary that you cultivate more power to set and maintain boundaries?

Would you like to be more honest and need a loving but direct way to speak your truth?

What qualification would be useful for you to acquire so you can start taking your next steps?

Now, if you suggest the traits or qualifications that allow you to create change, ask yourself:

what steps should I take to feel inspired and motivated to move forward vigorously?

What emotions, beliefs or behaviors should I let go so I can stop being a victim and become the person I want to be? 


Ask your heart for guidance instead of your intellect, and allow yourself to listen to yourself. what exercise you could cultivate or what action (s) can you take to prune your inner world so that you can free up a path for your new life.

When you're done, take a few slow and deep breaths and open your eyes. Grab your diary or notebook and take notes on what came up during the guided meditation.

Please write down:

*How you want to live your life

*What needs to be cleaned up or pruned

*What qualities or characteristics you need to embrace

*What specific actions you will take, including something to do today

What action are you going to do today?

Take the next action tomorrow and so on.

These actions will help you take charge of your life. It's a process where you let go of everything you're not — toxic relationships, limiting beliefs, and obstacles that keep you from living your dream. It allows you to take responsibility for every choice you make and any action you take (or not take).

Every time you embark on a new path, everything you haven't cleaned up or completed will follow you on the new path. So now is the time to let go of everything you need to leave behind as you embark on a new season.

Photo of cocoparisienne pixabay

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Autumn Meditation