Some men get bald early... Luckily, this man will be fine again, someday.
He had such fun on the swing. In his uppie he sat on the thing while the sheep around him were grazing. A bit of boating, a little crazy, and in the meantime, he had the biggest fun.
He went to spin circles - he turned as often as possible, so he would turn back a lot of laps very quickly. He was chucking, fun.
But suddenly the happy sounds were gone and a very panicked voice came from the swing; “help!”
There are some sounds that instantly permeate; now I have to be fast!
This was such a sound.
The cuckoo baker had turned up the swing a dozen times - with his hair there!
It took a lot of effort, but his wig is saved! He only needs to miss a small piece of his hayloft. My little guy was a little sad because he doesn't want to be bald, so I promised him there'll probably be spikes there next week.
Tomorrow, just look for pokon... #schommelen #draaien #haar #touw #help #kaal #stekels #jongen #kind #ongelukje
