( #Marc Ghysels)

For many entrepreneurs, it is the reality that hard times have arrived and you can easily conclude that the situation is obviously very precarious for many people. Anyone who follows the media knows for a long time that many sectors are getting into trouble. And how many companies have already killed? And then there are countless public discussions about whether or not to wear mouth caps, the wealthy and woe about the 'one and a half metres' measure. Don't break my mouth over those mouthwashers because that debate is going to be coming out of everyone's throat. And rightly so.

Some of the people who are eventually forced to work at home are compensated with a special pot from the government. I wonder, moreover, what and for whom can be compensated from this fund, because since we heard about this fund, nothing concrete has been heard about the use of the funds so far. In addition to this contemplation, I wonder why the government has not devised other measures for companies in need?

I didn't want to talk about corona... and yet.

I live close to the border with Belgium and am also there regularly for my work. Fortunately (for me then) this crisis, because you can call it that by now, has little influence on my work. Except for walking around all day with a muzzle on your face. While on the Dutch side of the border these things are generally not worn. Do you get it, do I get it?

I have heard several people in the media shouting that this pandemic makes many people inventive. Inventive? Invent other things to earn a living, or do they mean criminals who make money from all sorts of scam practices that would otherwise not work, such as promising materials and not fulfilling delivery? All kinds of online stores that otherwise won't lose their stuff on the paving stones. Or the many fake offers.?Or door-to-door leurders who use false pretenses to make people pull their wallets or debit cards? Ok there are some good initiatives that really warm my heart, but in general...

I'll leave it at that because the longer I think about it, the greater the chance of depression... because of the corona.

Because of corona