Me: Hello God.

God: Hello.

Me. I'm falling apart Can you put me back together?

God: I'd rather not.

Me: ¿Por qué?

God: Because you're not a puzzle.

Me: ¿Qué pasa con todas las piezas de mi vida que caen al suelo?

God: Leave them there for a while. They fell for a reason. Let them be there for a while and then decide if you need to recover any of those pieces.

Me:. You don't understand! I'm breaking!

God: No, you don't understand.
You're transcending, evolving. What you're feeling are growing pains. You're letting go of the things and people in your life that are holding you back. The pieces are not falling off. The pieces are being put in place. Relax. Take a deep breath and let those things you no longer need fall out. Stop holding on to pieces that are no longer for you.
Let them go.

Me: Una vez que empiece a hacer eso, ¿que me quedará?

God: Only the best pieces of yours.

Me: Tengo miedo de cambiar.

God: You're not changing! ARE YOU BECOMING!

Me: ¿Convirtiéndome, en quién?

God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light, love, charity, hope, courage, joy, mercy, grace and compassion. I made you for much more than those superficial pieces that you have decided to adorn yourself with and to which you cling with so much greed and fear. Let those things fall on you I love you! Don't change! Become! Don't change! Become who I want you to be, who I created. I'm gonna keep telling you this until you remember it.

Me: Entonces... am i not broken?

God: No, but you're breaking the darkness, like dawn. It's a new day. #make #make
