The last few weeks have been dedicated to #black lives matter. Everyone asks my opinion because all in all I am and remain black. Did I have to deal with discrimination, being disregarded? Of course I have had to deal with this, because racism is everyday and, of course, something needs to be done about it. Personally, I see racism as ignorance, the unknown to the other. The other one seems to need to feel better, bigger or inferior this way.
As a little girl it hurt all those names, Negroes, black, chimney etc.
As I grew up in a mostly white environment, I was able to push it off, got broad shoulders and fought for my position.
But in all these years, I didn't forget my background, because wherever you go, you'll be reminded of your background.
It starts at school. Another last name, “where did you come from? , what is your background”? “When did your parents get here? Are they migrant workers? You were born here? Why don't you have an accent? Doesn't sound surinamese. At the latter I often laugh and think, should this be done!! Talk about 1 comb shaving.
When you're a little girl, you come out and they ask, “Can I touch your hair?” Unsolicited they touch you and sweep, in my opinion if I don't give up.
Been through a lot, and with how I live and think now, I give everyone the same answer.
Had it in my head for hours, deliberate and weigh it.
My head has turned overtime, because must!! I find some of it.
Yeah, I did because I've been through mine in the 44 years I've been walking around this Earth.
But also live on the basis of equality, reciprocity and that starts with yourself and hopes others will follow. So polarization and racism don't get a chance.
I saw the piece on the news about a labor town in America, from the first black lives movement in America where it started. She spoke to everyone in public and later to the mayor of the town. She said something very valuable this old wise woman. “I don't think these uprisings work, I'd rather talk quietly, because with this you won't achieve anything.”
I also want to end with this because I find myself #All live matters because improve the world and see what you can do, your share of this is bigger than you think. Open your eyes and work together so we can say WE DID IT TOGETHER!! 🙂

#black lives matter