
In this pandemic situation every one has different feelings, and upcoming issues everyday. And we often thought that it only happens to us, but everywhere people are facing the worst condition than us. This literary work is excellence in presenting datas (conspiracy and political theories) and cumulating different people with their feelings, trying to cope up in this situation.

A Review: Global Burden: The Human Experience Hidden Behind COVID-19 by Lisa Jo Symonds

Global Burden: In this pandemic loads of emotional and situational turmoils came along. Every day we wake up, we have plethora of questions in our minds, but where to put up these questions and doubts we don't know. The spark of all lifelines framed in a very good question, which says: What will the new normal look like?

Lisa Jo Symonds very intelligently collected and penned down each emotion of the human mind. It consists of all kinds of data through paperclips. She talked about conspiracies, dreadful thoughts like not seeing your loved ones again which we feel nearly every second. We are worried about the slowing down of our lives but we never understand the rush of emergency and fear of the essential workers. This book pours out the very emotion of that class of people.

he cumulation of voices of every age in this COVID-19 pandemic is like a fillip piece for readers. Through those authors, people will understand their frustration, anxiety,  anger, and fear of all age groups of people whether they are essential, non-essential, teenagers, kids, or even prisoners. But, despite all kinds of fears, love and hope are constant which ties them together and gives them the courage to fight and live for their loved ones. I admire this book because somewhere we all going through this situation, which is not about only 'ME' but about 'US'. Global Burden: The Human Experience Hidden Behind Covid-19, this book is a true archive for next coming generations. Whenever they turn the pages and go to history, they will certainly relive the pain of the disease and experience the love of unity amongst the human race in this situation. I'll recommend this book to every age group of people to learn hope, love, and unity in this condition.

My Ratings: *****/5

Global Burden: The Human Experience Hidden Behind COVID-19