Let's try and have a nice day out of it.
Relax by train and have a bite to eat will also taste quite well.

Erasmus, a huge staircase, then a maze of corridors bare and chilly.
Sterile white and especially very quiet.

Printed faces and long waiting, gnashing teeth and troubled thoughts.

Explanation of the BRC1 gene.
Knowing I'm a carrier.

“You are in a risky zone” said her voice.
Predisposition to hormone-growing tumors without great brakes.

100% transferable, received from Pa or Ma.
If you wish, we will check this course for you.

Brothers and child also have great chances of being wearer.
This investigation is only a first step.

We leave the white tiles, drink another Duvel in the city of Rotterdam.
Talking about all the new information until the train came back.

A poem from the bundle: OTHER LIFE
Author: Angeliena Huis
Publishing house: Voice of Thoughts to Halsteren

#borstkanker #kanker #erasmus