Injecting trees with agricultural venom, what a terribly new low point in nature policy in the Netherlands. The #Vlinderstichting points to the deadly effect Vertimec has on the animals that live in the tree. “From the oak live a hundred different moths, they all die. The caterpillars are important for birds, who then have no food.”
In the decision, the Ctgb acknowledges that the test may have harmful and unacceptable effects on human health, particularly vulnerable groups, and also on animals and the environment. According to the Ctgb, these harmful effects are counteracted by making gloves mandatory and disposing of packaging materials and product residues as hazardous waste.

The Butterfly Foundation calls it bizarre that the trial has been approved. “We are already dealing with a disastrous decrease in biodiversity in insects. This kind of trial only makes that worse.” The foundation also finds it strange that the trial has already begun while there is still an objection procedure.

Butterfly Foundation warns against pesticide oak process decorations