Ten years, minus one day, we did it. Ten years, minus one day, we all slept together. If we couldn't get together in terms of space, then Cees slept with one or two, and I slept with the rest.

That's how it went ten years, minus one day.

The room where we slept was one bed sea: the whole floor was full of slatted bases with mattresses. There was room for everyone - seven places were there.

The children didn't want anything more, so if we thought otherwise, it had to be extremely fun.

We still had a load of scaffolding wood (came from behind the kitchen unit in the house, when demolishing the old kitchen). It was a nice job to sand all that scaffolding wood, but then you have something: five over-happy kids for example. 😊💜 #samenslapen #onvoorwaardelijk #ouderschap #stapelbedden #diy #zelfgemaakt #homemade #steigerhout #schuren #schroeven #maatwerk #nachtrust #afstand #wennen #vijfkinderen #samenopeenkamer #broerenzussen #zewordengroot #trots