Thousands of us suffer from the pain and swelling or hemorrhoids. If you are one of us in the "hemorrhoid club" you understand how this condition works seriously, relationships and overall quality of life.

There are steps you can take to ease your pain and feel good again. There are many effective and affordable hemorrhoid treatments available. So if you've been suffering you have a variety of treatment options to choose from.

The absolute cheapest (yet very effective) treatment for relief or swollen hemorrhoids tissues is ICE. you can apply a cold compress or ice pack to the anal area. The cold will relieve pain by numbing your bottom and it will reduce swelling by reducing the blood flow to your swollen rectal veins.

To get the fast results you must try some yoga poses for #piles and #hemorrhoids which I have mentioned below

1. Shoulder Stand

2. Kapalbhatti

3. Horse Gesture or Ashwini Mudra

4. Pranayam or Breathing Exercises

5. Pawan Mukta Asana

These are the top five most recommended yoga asanas for fissure and hemorrhoids too.

For More reference


Thousands of us suffer from the pain and swelling or hemorrhoids. If you are one of us in the "hemor