Your job provides you with a salary which varies depending on one general criteria we will call work density (WD) It refers to how much effort, knowledge, or attention a job requires. To compare jobs we will take the smallest wage (SW) and will think of it as a salary for which you make the smallest effort. Depending on that, a cleaning man can earn 2.5 times as much as a man with who makes the smallest effort for his job. We can say that, given his diligence, his speed and agility, the work density is 2.5 times greater than the smallest wage. So you have to multiply 2.5xSW and so you will have obtained the salary you deserve.

But how can you calculate work density?

Let`s take a writer for example: how dense can his job be? First of all, his inspiration comes from social happenings, so we can say his his work density adds up because of this to 1.5, then because he uses his reason, he increases his work density with 0.8 more, then with 0.7 because he has to verify his newly acquired asumptions, then it adds up 1.4 more because of the writing process, then to 0.3 because he must translate it into English, then to 0.05 to promote it. So the work density sums up to 1.5+0.8+0.7+1.4+0.3+0.05=4.75. So you can now calculate 4.75xSmallest Wage=deserved salary.

Calculate the salary you deserve
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