Nowadays, everyone is aware of the fact that exercise is an essential to prevent lifestyle diseases. Jogging, one of the easiest physical exercises, is a wonderful physical activity that anyone can do to make up the lack of exercise in general. It burns unwanted calories in the body and is an aerobic exercise that helps to reduce obesity and keep one fit. Regular jogging has many benefits for the body. Jogging plays a crucial role in burning calories. Let's us understand how jogging helps one to remain fit and burning calories.

How extra calories are accumulated in the body?
We gain calories from the food we consume. Our diet should be designed in such a manner that it fulfills the nutritional needs of the body. Thus, a balanced diet provides the number of calories required by body. When the number of calorie required by a body exceeds the requirement; body starts storing it for future expenditure. This accumulation of calories leads to weight gain which could ultimately leads to obesity and several other health issues.

Jogging and calorie burn
If you are too busy and can’t take out time for regular exercise and can’t devote time to gym to maintain the physical health, jogging is a good option in that case. One must jog every day. When you jog, your entire body vibrates. Furthermore, the body burns excess calories quickly. A 20 minutes jogging everyday leads to burning of 150-200 calories/day.  

Benefits of Jogging
Let us understand some general benefits of jogging.

Boost your mood:
Getting up early and jogging has numerous advantages. You can enjoy the green nature, the sunshine, the sounds of birds, and the pleasant weather all at once. The body and mind will be more refreshed as a result of this. More oxygen is delivered to the body. Reduces depression and improves brain function.

Maintain a healthy blood sugar level:
Diabetes has become a major public health issue in recent years. For diabetics, the benefits of jogging 10 minutes a day are significant. Ten minutes of regular jogging can help keep blood sugar (glucose) levels in check. It is advised that diabetic people should involve in some physical activities so that their body sweat.

Regulates blood pressure: Blood pressure is a major health issue on a level with diabetes. It is injurious to other body organs if it rises above a certain level or high for longer duration. In that case, the chances of heart attack rise as well. 10-15 minute of jogging improves blood flow across the body and heart functioning. As it enhances the speed of blow flow in arteries and veins, it helps to reduce the fatty deposits in the arteries by flushing it off with the blood flow. This way, jogging improves blood pressure, heart functioning and reduces the chances of heart related diseases.

As a whole, other than burning calories, Jogging is highly beneficial for all age groups. An individual of any age could do jogging and avail its benefits.  
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Calories burnt when jogging