Childcare allowance affaire only yields losers. According to a survey, at least 20,000 families are the victims of the tunnel vision at the tax authorities.

If you are or do you know parents whose childcare allowance has been discontinued, please check with the tax authorities and in your own administration if there are any reasons to ask the tax authorities for clarification. Does not benefit the harm either and provides a lot of information about your personal financial situation.

If you have no knowledge of it yourself, consult an expert. An expert costs money (and sometimes does it on the basis of no cure no pay) but it can also make money. In addition, the way is open to compensation for the demonstrable financial damage. Unfortunately, the emotional damage remains for its own account.

The institutional bias of the tax authorities have already caused many casualties. The same applies to the no-tolerance policy pursued by the tax authorities and certainly the 'blind' behaviour of the tax authorities causes a lot of grief.

Over a period of fifteen years, many families have become victims of the “strange” behaviour of the tax authorities.

By the way, what you build in fifteen years can't be done differently from one day to the next.

However, as the tax authorities, you can conduct a human-friendly policy for people who are in good faith. Don't understand anything and blindly believe the IRS. As a government, you should not abuse it, but do everything possible to give citizens what they are entitled to. Especially when it comes to a government supplement to keep more people in the labour market.

If you have received childcare allowance in the last 15 years and think something went wrong, call the tax authorities at 0800-2358358.

Also, give the phone number to others who have received childcare allowance, as the tax authorities will do everything they can to satisfy everyone (if it turns out that mistakes have been made). #belastingdienst

Childcare allowance affair