Coffee! For many people, the daily bakkie is a fixed ritual. My clients often ask me what's going on. Is it good for us or not? Also, scientists ask themselves that question regularly. And so the relationship between coffee and health is regularly examined. And with different outcomes. One study finds negative effects and the other finds positive. In the TCG (Traditional Chinese Medicine) people look very differently at food but also they have different opinions about coffee. Many clients drink coffee and then it often does not stick to one cup a day. Is it all right now? Is it not good? What should I advise? The Chinese use coffee as a medicine Coffee beans are contained in berries that grow on the coffee plant. This coffee plant (the Coffea) belongs to the “Rubiaceae” plant family, which has traditionally been a source of various Chinese medicinal herbs. Therefore, from the coffee bean, nature, taste and therapeutic actions are also described. The original green coffee bean is “cool” by nature but the roasted brown bean is “warm”. Furthermore, coffee is bitter and a little sweet in taste. Because of this, according to the TCG, coffee has the following therapeutic actions: Stimulating effect The green or brown coffee bean has mainly effect on the Wood element. It has been used by the Chinese for a long time to get liver energy blockages in motion. But note: this does not mean that it also makes the Liver energy flow more calmly! For some people this is beneficial because their energy is moving and they feel good about it. But some get agitated or stressed by this (even more) and can't relax anymore. Drainating effect Due to the bitter taste, bile production is increased and there is a draining effect. This stimulates digestion and urination. Coffee thus laxates, detoxifies and acts as a diuretic. Mental effects The coffee bean is contained in red berries and thus also affects the Fire element. Due to this, it stimulates mental activity and gives more focus. Warming effect Coffee gives in the body a very warm, yang energy (yes, even iced coffee) and is therefore not recommended in: Autoimmune disorders and allergies, High blood pressure, People with an excess of yang and/or a deficiency of yin (a.o. . the following complaints: hot flashes, night sweats, warmer after 4 hours, dry skin, heat in feet/hands/chest, always hot, always red cheeks, itching/warme/red skin symptoms, inflammation, etc. ), — People with a.o.. . headache, neck/shoulder pain, quickly angry/irritated etc. Like all Chinese herbs, you can't just say if it's good or bad. That depends entirely on the person and his/her energy balance. What is good for one is not recommended for the other.

Coffee? Is it healthy or not?