Given the rapid technological and social developments, the question is what is the impact of this on the content of (basic) education and the way in which it is organised.

“Our society is in a transitional phase and is at a tipping point. We are moving from a vertical, central and silted society to a horizontal, decentralised network society. In this tipping period old systems are demolished and new ones are built up. Old values disappear and new values emerge.” (Rotmans)

The era is changing. You can see this from the fact that there is pressure and chaos in many places. Teacher shortage, burn-outs, unmotivated pupils, home seaters etc.

In times of uncertainties, people hold on to certainties. Holding to certainties inhibits development and creates a docile culture.

But who or what should you follow? Here I see two “camps,” trying to convince each other. A group of people who hold on to certainties from the past and substantiate this with science. A group of people who are curious and feel the urgency to develop, to be able to participate in the future. They focus more often on philosophers, use science and want to investigate the impact of their change.

Complex issues created by these rapid technological and social changes do not require persuasion but cooperation.

Schools and training must continue to transform into powerful networking organisations and work more together with companies in the fields of applied research, education programmes and the education system and human development.

Together, you make more impact by closing coalitions, starting collective learning processes. I create forms of cooperation, such as Breedplaats010, Children Zone Masterlab in Rotterdam's education. They are ways of initiating development and change that can more effectively solve complex issues that concern the content and organization of education.

The time when someone told how and what to solve a problem by the “players in the field” slowly passes.
It's time to break this docile culture. By individually taking our own responsibility and working together on the (through) development of the content and organisation of our #onderwijs

Complex issues require new forms of cooperation.