The use of hydroxychloroquine is prohibited in covid patients due to dangerous side effects.
I have read the package leaflet online and now I understand their major concerns.


πŸ’’ Fever (38.5Β°C or higher).
πŸ’’ Nasal congestion and sore throat; infection of the upper respiratory tract or viral infection; runny nose.
πŸ’’ Diarrhea, vomiting.
πŸ’’ Hives.
πŸ’’ Aseptic meningitis (fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light); swollen testes; infection of the middle ear; inflamed salivary glands.
πŸ’’ Swollen lymph nodes.
πŸ’’ More often than usual bruising or bleeding.
πŸ’’ Severe allergic reaction in which there may be difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, local swelling and swelling of the limbs.
πŸ’’ Irritability.
πŸ’’ Seizures (convulsions) without fever; seizures (convulsions) with fever in children; staggering walking; dizziness; conditions in which there is inflammation of the nervous system (brain and/or spinal cord).
πŸ’’ A condition consisting of muscle weakness, abnormal feeling, tingling in arms, legs and upper body (Guillain-BarrΓ© syndrome).
πŸ’’ Headache; fainting; nervous disorders that can lead to weakness, tingling, or numbness; disorders of the optic nerve.
πŸ’’ Discharge from the eyes and itching of the eyes with crusting on the eyelids (conjunctivitis).
πŸ’’ Inflammation of the retina (inside the eye) with changes in vision.
πŸ’’ Deafness.
πŸ’’ Cough; lung infection with or without fever.
πŸ’’ Nausea.
πŸ’’ Itching; inflammation of the adipose tissue under the skin; red or purple, flat, pin-like spots under the skin; hardening and thickening of the skin; severe disease with ulcers or blistering in the skin, mouth, eyes and/or genitals (Stevens-Johnson syndrome).
πŸ’’ Joint pain and/or swelling (usually transient and rarely chronic); myalgia.
πŸ’’ General feeling of unwell-being (malaise); swelling; sensitive areas.
πŸ’’ Inflammation of the vessels.

Furthermore, I found in 4.6 of the information provided by the EMA (European Medicine Agency) that it has not been tested for the effect on fertility (reduction of) and 13.1 of the manufacturer's package leaflet also states that it has not been tested for the effect on cancer.

Just kidding!!
This is actually the leaflet of the BMR VaxPro #VACCIN πŸ’‰ injected into very young children. #VaccinGate #EyesWideOpen


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