The long transitional period for the #nertsenfokverbod was ethically already irresponsible, and now the animals feel even sicker and miserable all at all. Two mink breeders in North Brabant have found the coronavirus in several animals, reports Minister Schouten of Agriculture. The animals had gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory problems.

The Ministry assumes human to animal contamination because some employees of the Beek and Donk companies and Milheeze had signs of the coronavirus.

At the farm in Beek and Donk there are 7500 minks, in Milheeze there are 13,000 animals. In order to avoid spreading to other holdings, mink and manure must not be allowed to dispense the farm.

Do not cycle and walkThis is a precautionary measure, because according to the RIVM, mink companies do not, as far as known, pose a risk of dissemination among others.On the advice of the RIVM, the public road around both farms is closed for cyclists and hikers in a radius of 400 metres.

Coronavirus detected in mink farms in North Brabant