The outbreak of the #coronavirus 2019-NCov has ensured that China has taken drastic measures to prevent the virus from spreading further. Satellite images from NASA show that the measures are beneficial to the #luchtkwaliteit - Yes.

The closure of factories, the creation of ghost cities and the many inhabitants of China who are in quarantine have led to a drop in air pollution in China. The NASA images show that less nitrogen dioxide (NO2) enters the air. It is for the first time, according to Fei Liu, an air quality researcher from NASA, that the harmful gas emitted by industry, power plant and combustion engines has fallen so dramatically in such a large area.
- Wuhan. - Yeah
The air quality of the Chinese multimillion-dollar city of Wuhan appears to be greatly improved after the city was first cut off from the outside world. The satellite images show a clear difference between the first months of 2020 and the same period of 2019.
Source: RTL News
The Optimist