Another fun project! Which glue is used here? Can it be done with ordinary children's glue or does it really have to be a stronger? The crayons look very good, but we usually have beeswax. I think the brand is Stockman. Thanks for your idea! 🖍️
@Julia 🌻 Hi Julia, it can actually be done with all types of glue, as long as it dries transparently. Only real adhesive sticks may not be so useful. It can also be done with decopatch glue, for example, you can use it generously without seeing the glue ... Show more@Julia 🌻 Hi Julia, it can actually be done with all types of glue, as long as it dries transparently. Only real adhesive sticks may not be so useful. It can also be done with decopatch glue, for example, you can use it generously without seeing the glue again and it immediately has a built-in protective layer (varnish) so that you can wipe it off or dust it off with a slightly damp cloth. Ps: I don't know Stockman wax crayons:)
@De Knutseljuf Ede mijn ouders zijn komend weekend 40 jaar getrouwd dus we zijn vanalles aan het freubelen. Was bezig met een dienblad en dacht...het is nog wat kaal...en toen zag ik jouw post en dacht...hmmm misschien kan ik daar iets mee. Bovendien...als de kids weer eens knutselen voor iemand is dit ook echt super origineel!!
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