A year ago I made a blog as part of the theme of the Children's Book Week:Friendship.At this time when the Corona virus prevails, I thought back to this theme. Children sit at home and follow the digital course with their parents. {prepared and offered by the seated teachers and masters} In addition, it is also better not to visit grandfathers and grandmothers now and play with many boyfriends or classmates is not included.
How can you reverse that positively? Unfortunately, we cannot conjure the virus away, but we can keep us connected!
Make a doll as it says in the blog. Every family at home can make one. Hang them side by side. Send a doll of your own as tickets to your friends, family and classmates. Send a coloring page of a doll if the person cannot print, for example. It's nice that other friends, classmates and family, draw their own doll or paint and send them back to you.
You know what happens? The pendulum is getting longer!! And that gives a good feeling! Through the pendulum, we might be able to visualize that no one is standing alone and we have to do it together.
Hopefully this idea will follow up and help each other through this difficult time.Are you with me?

#Verbondenheid #Vriendschap #Vrienden #Familie #Vriendenslinger #Slinger #Saamhorigheid #Steun #Vertrouwen #Liefde #Kracht #Corona #Thuis #Thuisblijven #Home #Creametkids

Creating a Friend Garland together