Against the wishes of the House of Representatives, for undisturbed pleasure hunting of the royal family.Decree of the King himself - who is lacking in the citizen and receives a million subsdidie annually for this 'nature management'The hunting grounds of the king, as the Crown Domain Het Loo, have become the subject of a political dispute. The Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Carola Schouten (ChristenUnie), rejected the wish of a majority in the House of Representatives to open the royal nature reserve to the public in the autumn, the period of the hunting season.

Wilhelmina transferred the nature reserve to the state at the time under strict conditions that it would not be shredded by sale or inheritance and that it would remain at the service of the king.

At the moment, Willem-Alexander, because crown-bearer, is the boss of the crown domain. Its management is done by the Royal Department of Fauna Management, formerly known as the Hunting Department.Pottery viewers are not appreciated. Hikers and cyclists are kept at bay from the area they received from Queen Wilhelmina. The king will receive more than three tonnes this year and receive, outside his budget, another seven tonnes of subsidy under the nature conservation and nature conservation schemes applicable to all.

The ancestors of the Oranjes did only three things with birds: shooting, painting and eating.MEMORS' MOTION

Proposed 28 March 2018

The Chamber.

after hearing the deliberation,

noting that Queen Wilhelmina donated the actual Kroondomein Het Loo to the Dutch population in 1959;

Noting that the Dutch State pays hundreds of thousands of euros annually for maintenance of the Kroondomein;

believes that the Dutch population should therefore be given year-round access to this nature reserve;

calls on the government to open the actual Crown Domain Het Loo to the public all year round;

and proceeds to the order of the day.

- No, no, no, no. - No

The area is closed to the public between 15 September and 25 December in order to secure 'fauna management'.This includes the shooting of a part of the game.For some time now, the word 'hunting' has not been used in the royal documents.

From the voluminous wording in which the Royal House now talks about the (fauna) management of the crown domain, it is clear that the king is aware of the political sensitivity of the dossier.However, he does not let the hunt - so far - shoot for it.
In a letter to the Chamber she wrote last Tuesday “no ground” to have something else to decide. But not the Minister, King Willem-Alexander is about this.

8,000 red deer, boar and roe deer on the Veluwe each year fall prey to a handful of trigger-happy (and powerful) amateurs, who are willing to pay briskly for managing nature. The scum of large ungulates is about 80% of the average population, arguing that it would prevent natural mortality. The number of wild collisions has now risen to 2,000, while 656 wild collisions argued in 2006 for a brighter hunting with night vision equipment and silencers. Apparently hunting does not help in any way to curb populations and increase road safety.

That deer, boar and deer have become shy nocturnal animals, constantly fleeing from humans and barely visible to nature lovers does not bother the hunters.

Apparently, the natural need of a handful of people who cannot resist their hunting instincts is of much greater importance than the natural need of millions of nature lovers who like to come to the Veluwe to observe deer, boar and deer in their natural environment. without being hindered by unnatural shabby or constantly on the run.

Hunters acquire and kill animals belonging to no one (and therefore to all of us), thereby destroying the nature experience of the vast majority of Dutch people who reject pleasure hunting without reservation.

If there are already to be managed, then not by trigger-happy and interested hobbyists who are doing everything they can to get enough animals to run next year. A ban on hobby hunting in the Danish crown domain resulted in great visibility of the animals that from that moment on lost their fear of humans.

Hunters prefer to shoot male animals, in order to keep the chance of growing up as high as possible. The proposed ban on pleasure hunting has brought hunters into great confusion. One time they say that abolishing pleasure hunting would be a disaster for nature, then that pleasure hunting would not exist in the Netherlands and on other occasions that even if the pleasure yacht was abolished, little or nothing would change in practice.

It is time for the pleasure yacht to be banned in the Netherlands. Stop a barbaric and very outdated hobby.

In the name of Orange, open that forest!

Crown domain again close to public