#aalbes #ribesrubrum #fruit #fotografie Delicious are these currants. I just put them on the snapshot. This morning at breakfast another bunch taken. The fresh sour currant, also called red currant or bunched currant is packed with healthy nutrients, such as vitamins B1, C, iron, phosphorus, potassium. The currant is often used for decoration on plates, salads, cakes and ice cream. I like to eat it myself because of the yogurt with granola. Like a pastry, mmmmm.
My grandfather and grandma used to have these bushes in the garden and then these nets over them against the pecking birds. I was allowed to spend the summer when I stayed with them to help pick and then unzip with the fork. Wash and then my grandmother put them in a colander with a lot of shovels of sugar because they were so sour!

Currant - Ribes rubrum