" MY OWN LACK of MERCY " (by David Wilkerson) : .......... Jesus told a parable about a servant who was forgiven a great debt. This man found grace and mercy with his master, but he took it all for granted. Immediately after he was forgiven, he went out and began to choke a man who owed him a small, insignificant amount, demanding, "Pay me what you owe me - now!" When the debtor asked the man for mercy, he refused and had the debtor jailed. Why was this man so judgmental? Why did he lack mercy? It was because he did not consider his own unworthiness. He did not understand .......... ; you can read the entire text of David Wilkerson (https://worldchallenge.org) here : -----> www.ingodsveiligehanden.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3004