#teque children

Los tequechildren son el bocado que no puede faltar en las fiestas venezolanas; son tan populares que se consumen en los cafetines de los colegios, en las fiestas y hasta en los cines. Basically, they are a hard white cheese bar, wrapped in raw bread dough and fried in oil. They are prepared small, medium and large ones that are known as tequeñon. There's even a popular saying, “Fiesta without tequeño, it's not a party!" , so and more Venezuelans love their tequeños.


For tequeños
3 cups all-purpose wheat flour.
1 cup margarine or butter.
1 Egg Optional.
1/2 cup warm water.
250 grams of hard white cheese.
Enough oil for frying.

For guasacaca:

1 cup avocado peeled and diced.
2 hot chili peppers.
¼ cup onion.
¼ cup coriander.
1 clove of garlic.
3 tablespoons of vinegar.
3 tablespoons of oil.
Juice of one lemon.
Come out to taste.

Steps to follow:

In a clean and dry bowl place the flour in the form of a volcano, add the margarine and gradually incorporate with your hands; you will get a texture similar to wet crumbs, continue kneading and place warm water and egg trying to incorporate all ingredients. Knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained, this process can take at least ten minutes; if you feel more comfortable, knead on a flat, clean surface. You will know that the dough is ready when it does not stick to any surface, if you still do not get this consistency you can sprinkle a little more flour and continue kneading until you get the desired consistency. Then put the dough in a large bowl and let stand a covered half an hour.

While the dough rests, you can make the guasacaca. Add all ingredients in blender and beat until homogeneous mixture. Place them in a container and refrigerate until tequeños are ready. The recipe for guasacaca is almost personal and at ease, some people add parsley, more or less oil. What is not missing is lemon, because it avoids the oxidation process of avocado, whereby the sauce would turn brown.

Prepare a clean surface to spread the dough, separate it into two equal portions and sprinkle with a little flour. Spread with a roller until two cloths about 4 millimeters thick. Then cut strips of dough along.

Cut cheese into canes and wrap with dough strips. You need to get a few sticks, sprinkle with a little flour and fry deep in oil. Remove when tequeños are doradito and place on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.
Serve accompanied by guasacaca.

They're very delicious!

I'm eating some rich tequeños with guasacaca and tamarind juice right now.