Personally: the best quote of the week

One seeks a challenge and the other seeks relaxation and tranquility in his/her life.

It also depends on what situation you're in.

You're attracting people to situations that you're in.

Sometimes these compounds deliver something beautiful. However, these can also give you a (wise) lesson.

Without being even aware of it, you continue to do what you were doing: continue with life and your process.

You pick up the thread again and end up in a next (not yet recognizable) situation. A situation that brought you off the mind earlier. Do you reject it now and create a different situation/exit for yourself?

Unconsciously only becomes conscious when you start to notice that your emotion, or your energy, remains the same as before you made this choice.

Nothing is more beautiful to experience this feeling consciously, to experience it as a personal growth by making the “right” choice.

From time to time it is good to dwell on becoming aware of a feeling. To stand still to experience certain situations in peace and experience what it does to you.

Do you ever stand still?

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Greetings, Mich

PS Feel free to follow me (I'm going to inspire you positively with insights)

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 Do you ever stand still?