#LIBELLE : 😍 Dragonflies are an order of insects to which the subordinates real dragonflies and #juffers . Around 5858 species have been described worldwide, most of which occur in warmer areas. In Europe, 150 #libellensoorten for. In Belgium 69 species are found. In the Netherlands 71 species have been found, 66 of which are considered indigenous, one as vagrant and four as disappeared. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the number comes to 74 (five Dutch species are not found in Belgium, three Belgian species are not in the Netherlands). The species are listed among the damselfish and real dragonflies.
The characteristics are:
Dragonflies can be recognized by the following features; they have two pairs of wings, which are firm, richly veined and not foldable.
small antennas, which hardly stand out.
a long and usually slender abdomen.
Big #facetogen on a movable head.
an obliquely directed breast piece.
forward legs.
no sting and therefore can not sting.

Dragonfly: But Not That Women's Magazine