#HAVELTE #Boskampsbrug 🤓 The Drentsche Hoofdvaart (sometimes: Drentse Hoofdvaart) is the connecting channel from the Meppelerdiep and the Reest in Meppel to the North Willemskanaal near Assen, in the Dutch province of Drenthe. Almost half of its length is located on both sides of the canal ribbon construction of the village of Smilde.
The canal (Drents: kanaol) was built between 1767 and 1780 as an improvement of the Smildervaart (Drents: Smilliger vaort). The Smildervaart was dug for the painting of the Dieverder and Leggeler Smildervenen in 1612 (second revival after first attempts by monasteries), commissioned by a number of Dutch investors