#Nederlanders Today we have consumed what the Earth can deliver in one year. Today it is, earlier in the year than ever, Earth Overshoot Day. That is the day defined by research organization Global Footprint Network as the moment in the year when people worldwide have already consumed more natural resources than the Earth can produce in twelve months.

As of today, we spend the rest of the year on the planet's reserves, says the Global Footprint Network. So this year, we're consuming 1.75 Earth.

The tipping point is earlier every year: last year, for example, on August 1. It leads to less biodiversity and more deforestation, soil erosion and CO2 in the atmosphere. It is unclear how far we can go by increasing our ecological footprint. Dutch people consume 2.9 earths.

Research: today we have consumed what the Earth can deliver in one year

Dutch people consume 2.9 earths