* Saving on energy bills:
-    Considering the current energy crisis, investing in appliances running on electricity instead of gas is a good option
-    Turn off the oven or induction hob about one minute before the end of cooking, this  will not affect the end result and it will use residual heat of the appliance (Use residual heat from electrical appliances as much as possible)
-    Switch off the lights, TV, when not needed / when you are no longer in the room
-    Appliances on stand-by button also consume energy, take this into account and disconnect them from the electric socket during sleep hours or when away from home.
-    Use natural light and the heat of the sun as much as possible to illuminate and warm up the rooms of your home
-    solar panels are also a good investment, if you have the possibility
-    invest in LED bulbs, or energy saving lights
-    depending on the temperature, an extra blanket can sometimes make a cosy afternoon or evening, and you don’t need to turn on the heating
-    regulate fridge to a less cold temperature during winter. You don’t need as much energy when the outside temperature is already cold
-    regulate your water heating system to use less gas/electricity in summer. This will also avoid the need to use cold water to temper super-hot water temperature
-    reduce long baths and prefer a quick shower, it will save energy and water
-    use your laundry/washing machine only when full to avoid waste

* Saving at the Supermarket:
-    Go to the supermarket with a list of groceries that you actually need, if possible also an estimated maximum budget to spend, and try to stick to it
-    Did you know that people tend to buy more and also things they don’t need when they are hungry? Eat something before you go to the supermarket.
-    Check expiration date on products before buying to avoid waste. There are nice promotions you can use, many times when products are nearing their Best Before Date. If you know that you will eat them within the date then buy them. This date is not, however, a deadline, it is an advisable best before date when the product is good for consumption (if preserved in ideal conditions) and you don't need to throw it away the very next day – Sometimes even if is past the date a day or two, it is still ok to eat. Always check if the product is still tasting and looking ok. (Some products have a longer shelf life than what is written on the package.)
-    Cook meals that can last more days. For example in winter, a soup, a stew. During summer there are lots of meals that you can prepare without the need to cook. Fruit, salads… There are several websites with such recipe ideas

#savemoney Imagem de Steve Buissinne por Pixabay

Easy Saving Tips