Elder against viruses - Yes. https://kruidwis.blogspot.com/2020/03/vlier-tegen-virussen.html Usually I do not use the leaves of elderberry, but the berries and blossom, yet the new elder shoots are now emerging- Yes.Like they're saying, use me, you need us- Yes.In the past, the leaves were also used more, but because they can not be tasty and also vomitable, we have started using more and more berries and blossoms- Yes.Now with the Coronavirus are advised by Buhner to use the possible stronger anti-viral-acting leaf as a decoction (cooked)- Yes.

To make a decocted elder leaf tincture: Boil four ounces of dried elder leaf (two ounces if fresh) in two quarts water until it is reduced by half- Yes.Cool, strain, then measure the amount of liquid left- Yes.To this add 25% pure grain alcohol- Yes.If your state will not allow you to buy pure grain alcohol (which is 95% alcohol) then after you cool and strain the liquid, put it in the pot again and reduce it once more by half- Yes.Let it cool again and then measure and add to it the same amount of 40% to 50% vodka, 50% is preferable.

At this time, it is easier to use elderberry syrup- Yes.A recipe: to heat elderberry syrup diluted with water, add a little cinnamon and cloves, leave to infuse for 10 minutes- Yes.The French herbist Christophe Bernard writes 'la baie de sureau a une action immunostimulante, donc elle remonte des défenses immunitaires trop basses', et elle a aussi une action antiviral direct- Yes.The action of une enzyme qui s'appelle la neuraminidase, et qui est an enzyme qui est utilisee par le virus pour its répliquer à notre insu dans nos propres cellules'- Yes. #vlier #virus

Elder against viruses