#embarassingmoments The human being is immersed daily in embarrassing situations or experiences, which are really unpleasant for the person who feels out of place in this situation.
Here are some very embarrassing situations. -
•Stumble on the street, watch if someone has seen you and do as if nothing
•Fall asleep on the subway or railway and snoring
•Send a committed WhatsApp to the wrong person
•When someone you don't know falls asleep on your shoulder and drooles you
• Say hello to someone on the street and who hasn't seen you
•When silence reigns and your stomach starts to make those uncontrollable sounds
•That someone greets you, call you by name and you don't remember her
•Carry a paper pasted on the shoe
•Make a joke and nobody laugh
•That awkward silence in an elevator
•That the group who you are with, run out of the topic of conversation
• Expect two kisses when you say hello to someone and only give you one or none
•Take a glass door ahead
•Arrive from first to a party
•You realize that you were wrong about classroom, cinema or home
•Confuse a consumer with a store or supermarket worker and ask for help
•When you're drunk and the next day you don't remember anything
•When you fall asleep at a party and your friends paint you on your face
•Have the sanitary towel hanging on your dress and don't notice