#YoorsCoronaPositiveChallenge The coronavirus is a “silent shifter”. It provides for the “reset” of the world and man. We could no longer continue to perform, pollute, with the stress, crowded care homes, mega high house prices, individualisation ect.

The Silent Changer provides renewal. It does not take place at the stage, in the minister's tower or in the boardrooms. It takes place in the undercurrent, at the edges of the systems of man and the world.

The silent shifter brings delay, holds a mirror in front of us and lets us come to our senses. What really matters in life, what is really important to be able to pass on the earth? The biggest challenge is ourselves, do we dare to fight ourselves? Do you dare to assume differences or do you assume comparison of people.

The silent shifter has already provided connectedness, creativity, fish visible in the rivers of Venice, 25% cleaner air in China, appreciation for care, appreciation for education and all other professions. Free resources, every child a computer, digitization in a short time. No more stress for cito final tests and also the exams are shaking.

New systems are being built, working in networks, which is much cheaper. There is now a time before and after Corona, much will be and become different.
The silent shifter brings us closer to a new world;

A world of union and diversity, of talent and potential.

Dare and can you handle that new world?