#fromtheotherside   #fromtheotherside Hello very but very good days Greetings and blessings in abundance for all, I send many, lots of kisses and hugs to all toditos my friends of yoors my name is Jhade and I am Venezuelan.
I love writing and writing publications and narrating many things that have happened to me as experiences or anything I get a story whether real or fantasy although it can also be a combination of reality and fantasy at the same time and if I'm sincere it is my passion to be a writer or cartoonist ok

Taking advantage of this opportunity in which I report this writing
I'm going to tell you my experience with this fatal virus and tell you the truth not only
I learned to accept my relatives as they were, and to love them and to respect them,
I also learned to be very responsible when using the cap, using gel
antibacterial, greet my friends by sign without using hands, washing
often and very often my hands, bathing when I just get to my house
I changed the sheets on my beds, in the end almost let's say I became obsessive
compulsive when it is cleaning and cleaning the floors of the home very well with
disinfectants and chlorines all so much that I didn't even know what to use for this
coronavirus will not enter my home, we disinfected footwear with many
antiseptic solutions, masks, gloves and all measures of
correct biosecurity to avoid any possibility of getting infected
my relatives and me, since this virus is very dangerous, i've seen friends die
of relatives, and also to have patience since in those weeks in which
could not leave because of the radical quarantine I desperate a great
do you imagine not being able to go out to the corner? Affsss I almost turn
crazy hahahaha I had to start using relaxing songs that I already had time without putting music of that kind hehe is that I already had my hair very but muuy tip with so much stress and listening only the word covid and affssss I had to start reading many but many and lots of books and all kinds, to achieve clear my mind a little about the reality of covid 19, in short it could be cir that was 100% a great madness and very desperate, almost explodes the coconut head that I have hahahahaha, no longer knew what to do or who else to talk to that were not my relatives because they were always busy and I desperate wanting to express myself, because apart from writer I'm a little talking and jocosa and affsss it was a huge torture to have to wait for the end of the quarantine and thus be able to talk again with my great friends and be able to talk about novels, stories, unrequited loves, strange or failed experiences, unfulfilled goals, that is more material for my novels jijiji (PS: If you read this friends mine i love them a lot of ooooooooooooo toditos) I missed them so much that I just started to write novels about them and the experiences I have lived with them and all those silly adventures that so excited me to remember them as they fill me like happiness lol

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