

Waiting longing for them to come out,
dreams often just keep dreaming.
Every person has them, full of desire but elusive.
Then all of a sudden, sometimes it becomes true.

I think a lot of dreams
are only fulfilled in reality,
when one reveals an effort.

These few sentences, it seems so little,
but a lot is written here.
Just read back and engage them on your own life.

Are they so elusive?
No, not always.
If you are full of desire, don't live with regret.

Then extend to it and who knows, you may start receiving.
Yes commit and public your desire.

Don't let your dreams live hidden in your mind.
Make the choice to pursue realization.

And you know, no matter how the outcome may be,
a revealing joy or a revelation of pain

At least you're freed from a future regret.
“If only I had” is history for good.

Be warned:
“If only I had” can keep gnawing at us to death.
Therefore, think carefully what dreams, you will continue to wear as dreams.

by: a Voice of Thoughts